LoGE is moving to Instagram (thegeneraleconomy)

1. Fast fashion posts will be deleted immediately at the discretion of the editors (Erica and Carissa (cupcakewalker)
Examples include pieces from H&M, Forever 21, Gap, Old Navy, Express, American Apparel (this is not an exhaustive list).

2. Pricing guidelines: Don't ask for more than you paid. If it's a current season item, I usually offer at least a 30% discount. Any posts that seem profit-motivated will be deleted. If it's obviously worn or more than 1 year old, I offer at least 50-60% discount of the paid price (not the original price).

3. I will only list 3 items per seller at a time

4. If you don't leave your contact info in the comments, you will not be eligible.

5. Only serious buyers, please! The buyer has 1 business day to pay or make arrangements.

6. If you have participated in LoGE in the past and would like to help me post items, please email me to make arrangements using a shared gmail account.

Friday, April 9, 2010

{SOLD} steven alan madras buttondown - P

congrats, ilana!
i bought this last year, but only wore it once and i just wear my other SA shirts with the sleeves rolled up anyway. hoping someone else will get to enjoy this shirt this spring and summer!
size: P
measurements: shoulder to shoulder: 14" | bust: 16" | length: 22"
style details: button closure on short sleeve cuff; reverse seam details; button closure at collar
materials: 100% woven cotton
condition: virtually new without tags; worn once, washed & pressed
paid: ? can't remember, retailed for $148
asking: SOLD
listing end date: ENDED
~please include contact/PP email in comment, note if outside US~


alana said...

This is cute. I'd love to take it home! alanacoates (at) gmail.com

ilana kohn said...

i love it!

ilana.kohn {AT} yahoo {DOT} com

jane said...

i love this! :) i'm in london, england. crossing my fingers...

- goodmorningjane@gmail.com

By Tomorrow. said...

so incredible.


jennie t. -- jennifer (dot) thiessen @ cbc (dot) ca said...

yes please.. I'm in Toronto

jennifer period thiessen at cbc dot ca

Lisa Mackay said...

Count me in! lisamackay [at] rogers [dot] com

I am in Toronto as well.

Anonymous said...

Love it Wesley@buddhabelly.com

I'm in California

Wendy said...

Love! I wish I hadn't missed out on this when it was on the website. Please please please pick me!

seasonalrain [at] gmail [dot] com

cmm2151 said...

Yes, please.


Anai said...

I'd like it too.

Unknown said...


sarah said...

very nice top. Would be happy to pay the additional cost to ship to the UK

Many thanks


featheropleather said...

add me to the list! hrbenjamin AT gmail.com

C.F.McMahon said...

i would like it

mary jane said...

perfection! i love it. mackinmaryj@yahoo.com

gf said...



Unknown said...

I would love this!

suzytwirth at yahoo.com